Our Nurseries are open to all, you don't need to work for the NHS

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Our rooms

There are four play rooms in Jack In The Box nursery in Slough. As every child is an individual, they will be placed in a playroom not only decided by their age but by their developmental needs.

Each room is led by a level three qualified Team Leader.

Baby Room - aged 1- 2 years (up to 12 children)

The staffing ratio is one adult to three children.

Piglet Room - aged 2 - 3 years (up to 12 children)

The staffing ratio is one adult to four children.

Pre-School aged 3 years - 31st August following the 4th birthday ( up to 24 children)

The staffing ratio is one adult to eight children.

Staff will work in partnership with parents to ensure the environment is supporting and enhancing the child’s learning, skills and development.

Settling in

About 2 weeks before your starts we would like them to come and visit us for some settling in sessions. This will enable your child to gain valuable experience within the nursery before they start with us.

All about the Key Person System

Most of us would like to have a special close relationship with some person on whom we can rely, a relationship which is significant and precious to us. The young children we work with who do not have the language to express what they are experiencing, need to have these special relationships too. Unless children are helped in a positive and affectionate way they may experience anxiety and confusion in childhood.

The key person system is the nursery’s way of offering children a person to whom they can relate in a special way during their time within the nursery.

The key person builds a special relationship with their key children. They will be the main person to settle the children into the nursery whilst on their experience sessions and take this time to get to know the children’s needs. It is also a point to discuss any information that parents wish to share in order for the key person to care for your child in the best possible way.

However, all staff based within your child’s playroom will be changing the children’s nappies, feeding them, giving babies their bottles and sharing special time. Due to staff holidays or absence the we have a secondary key person system in place.


We feel that children thrive on structure and routine. Each playroom has set routines specific to the ages and interests of the children in their room. The routines are discussed with parents during the child’s pre-visits or when a child is transitioning to another playroom. Although routines are in place, these are adapted to access learning opportunities of experience, spontaneous activities or events.


The nursery strictly adheres to the adult/child ratios as stipulated by Ofsted and we can expect a visit from Ofsted unannounced at any time. The nursery is staffed by a mixture of qualified and experienced nursery practitioners who are required to have an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service Check (DBS).


L has left Jack In The Box as we are relocating.  He says that he loved everything at nursery!

For us as parents the postive experiences have been the support during COVID, during pregnancy, during all the changes that L has been through! 

A special thank you to Everyone! Sana, Suad, Iwonna, Toyoshi, Emma, Carly, Richard, Lee - everyone has been amazing!

We recommend the nursery, rates for Berkshire Healthcare staff put you ahead of any competition.

A fantastic nursery who have frankly become nearly like family over L’s 18 months there. 

