Our Nurseries are open to all, you don't need to work for the NHS

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Our garden

The nursery has two spacious outdoor play areas that boast wide open spaces for the children to explore and play.

Children in the nursery are taken outside at least twice a day. Parents are requested to bring in a sun hat during the summer months for their children and wellington boots, warm clothes and winter hat during the cold weather.




R has enjoyed creating arts and crafts, making friends and playing outside.

R talked a lot about staff members Charity and Lek in particular.

The nursery is good value for money because there is good quality care with a reduced rate for NHS staff.

We recommend the nursery as there is a good range of activities on offer, good outside space, well-qualified staff who care about the standard of care and care about the children. I know that I am leaving him in safe hands.

Mr & Mrs O
