Our Nurseries are open to all, you don't need to work for the NHS

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Our staff

Staff qualifications range from those who are employed as Nursery Apprentices working towards their NVQ Level 2, Nursery Assistants working towards their NVQ Level 3 and management staff who have achieved their NVQ Level 4 or 5 in Childcare Management.

All staff are recruited and employed by Kiddies’ Cabin using an extensive vetting procedure which ensures that they are both suitable to work with children and have the necessary skills and personality so that the nursery meets the requirements of each child in our care.

Regular staff training is undertaken on paediatric first aid, food hygiene, safeguarding / child protection and fire safety training. These are updated on an annual or three yearly basis depending on the statutory requirements. Prior to commencing their employment with us, all staff attend a three day staff induction course held by the Trust. Staff receive regular developmental guidance to ensure that they continue to develop professionally and personally.

All staff attend Basic Life Support training with the Trusts Community Resuscitation Facilitator every year.

Nursery Manager - Leigh Kelly

(Does not work on Fridays)
Leigh Kelly Qualification: NNEB Diploma in Childcare & Education, Level 5 in Leadership.

Leigh has worked as the Nursery Manager since the nursery opened in 2006.

Nursery Deputy - Lorna Lepetit

Lorna Lepetit

Qualification: NVQs Level 2 & 3 in Childcare, Level 3 in Management and a Level 5 Diploma in Management & Leadership.


Lorna joined Kiddies' Cabin in August 2019 as the Deputy Manager. She previously worked in our Reading nursery from the time it opened in 2003. Lorna has had extensive experience working with all age groups, and was able to achieve the Baby Talk Award alongside her team.


V is leaving to go to school in September 2020.  His development in all aspects has been noticed. His manners and kindness where he says thank you and please has been the most heart warming.

I've benefitted most from parents evening to showcase what V has done and the progress he has made and the summer fetes bringing kids and parents together.

I would like to mention Anaisa, she's V's key carer but I remember when she has joined and was soo quiet, seeing her over time come out of her shell and really be there for the kids is a lovely thing to see. Its difficult to mention one member of staff in particular as all of them have played a positive role during the time V has been at Kiddies' Cabin.

I think the nursery is good value and I definitely recommend Kiddies' Cabin.

I want to thank all the staff at Kiddies' Cabin for the years of happiness. It will definitely be emotional when V leaves and I will forever cherish the memories and I know V will too. Thank you for being there throughout my journey and supportive of my changed circumstances. Fingers crossed, I could be back with a new addition!

