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This is a selection of photographs taken by our nursery staff throughout the nursery day.

They show a number of different activities that the children enjoy at Little Dragons and we think you will agree that they have a wonderful time whilst they are with us.


H is leaving to go to school and she has has gained so much from attending Little Dragons. She has made wonderful loving and nurturing relationships with all the staff and children. I have watched her learn new skills much sooner than I expected due to the dedication from staff and mimicking of her peers. She is graduating from Little Dragons as a confident, funny and caring girl which in part is thanks to the team at Little Dragons.

As my only child I have a lot of anxiety about keeping H safe and protected and because of this I trust very few people to care for her. On that basis it’s a massive compliment from me that I trust the team at Little Dragons to care for H. I have always felt she is safe and looked after in a caring and nurturing way.

I have always witnessed a team effort when it comes to caring for the kids. So the entire team have been amazing but special thanks to every single member of staff who have been a key worker for H - Michelle, Freya, and Chloe.

N. M
