NHS partnerships
As our nurseries are owned and managed by an NHS Trust we are in the fortunate position to have strong partnerships with a number of departments within Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
Health Visitors
Our nurseries each have a named Health Visitor, known as a 'Link' Health Visitor who works for Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
.The Link Health Visitor is available to support staff and to offer help and advice on health promotion to the staff and families in our nurseries.
For further information about how the Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Health Visitors work with families, how they can help you and to contact them click here.
Safeguarding Children
Jane Fowler is the Head of Safeguarding for Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, she is also the named Safeguarding Professional for our three nurseries.
Jane offers advice, support and guidance to all of our nursery staff as well as ongoing training which includes Safeguarding Children Level 2.
The nurseries ensure that they are following up to date procedures and legislation by regularly accessing the Berkshire Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCB) online procedures.
Paediatric First Aid
Paul McEndoo is the Trust's Community Resuscitation Facilitator and has worked with our nurseries for many years. Paul provides 12 hour Paediatric First Aid training on a regular basis and all nursery staff attend this at least every three years and more frequently if required. All staff also attend Basic Life Support training with Paul every year.
In addition, Paul carries out regular Epi Pen training and provides bespoke training for our nursery staff according to the needs of the children attending the nurseries. He also provides 'real life' scenarios to test our nursery staff so that are able to react effectively in an emergency should the need arise.
Paul acts in a supportive role to our staff and he is always available to discuss any concerns and to provide any necessary training.
Learning and Development
The Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Learning and Development Department provide a variety of training for our nursery staff. Initially the training is undertaken during the extensive Trust induction that all new staff undergo. This training is then regularly updated and most of this is provided face to face in the nurseries after hours during staff meetings and is tailored for each nursery. Training can also be completed online where appropriate.
The training provided by BHFT for all staff includes Fire Awareness, Manual Handling, Infection Prevention and Control, Equality and Diversity, Health and Safety, Safeguarding Children and Adults. Our Nursery Managers have also all undertaken the six day Trust's 'Excellent Manager' training programme.